How Does Extreme Cold Affect Concrete?

How Does Extreme Cold Affect Concrete?

The Effects of Cold Weather on Your Foundation in Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming During the wintertime, most people are too preoccupied with checking that their heaters are in working order to think about their home’s foundation. Although most homeowners do not think about it, cold weather can have a significant effect on your concrete foundation. That is why it is vital that you invest in foundation repair services. If a problem develops with your foundation due to the colder temperatures, it could lead to many other problems throughout the home. Rapid Foundation Repair can help you ensure that your … Read More

The Science of Ice and Water and What it Means for Your Foundation

The Science of Ice and Water and What it Means for Your Foundation

Why Ice and Water can Wreak Havoc on Your Foundation With winter starting to set in, you are probably thinking of all of the shoveling and dreaded heating bills. Cold and freezing conditions can also take a toll on a home’s foundation, and it can cause ice and water damage. That is why it is important to know some of the signs of foundation problems such as: Wall cracks Floor cracks Bowing walls Garage settlement Sticking doors Sticking windows Sloping floors Foundation cracks If you see any of these signs, it is important to contact an expert to come and … Read More

Product Spotlight: ECP Helical Piers / Piles

Product Spotlight: ECP Helical Piers / Piles

How can Helical Piers Help Your South Dakota or Wyoming Home? Helical piers are a common tool used when it comes to foundation repair. Helical piers are a great way to repair foundations that have settled, and at Rapid Foundation Repair, we offer them. We get our helical piers from one of the top producers of foundation repair and waterproofing products. Earth Contact Products also provides us with steel push piers, helical anchors and tiebacks, and wall anchors. Helical piers have a variety of benefits, including: Easy installation Used below moving or shifting soil Can be installed in all weather … Read More

Wet Basement in South Dakota? Find Out Your Repair Options!

Wet Basement in South Dakota? Find Out Your Repair Options!

Wet Basements in South Dakota, Nebraska Mean Unhealthy Living Wet basements are not just annoying, they can cause serious damage to your possessions, your home, and its inhabitants. If you use your basement or crawlspace as a storage area, as most people do, having moisture leak in can cause water damage to your possessions that are stored there. Your home can be damaged in a variety of ways. Having water leak in means that there is a possibility of foundation failure, which can mean wall, floor, and foundation cracks, which is most likely what let the water in in the … Read More

Waterproofing in South Dakota and Nebraska

Waterproofing in South Dakota and Nebraska

How do I even know I need waterproofing for my foundation in SD, NE? Waterproofing your crawlspace or basement is a smart idea that can help you to protect your home or business from serious water damage or even foundation failure. If you are experiencing water stains, mold or mildew growth, wall cracks, floor cracks, foundation cracks, leakage, or flooding, you may need a waterproofing solution. Even if you do not have those signs of foundation failure, it is smart to keep your basement or crawlspace up-to-date when it comes to your waterproofing system. Rapid Foundation Repair is proud to … Read More

Foundation Repair in South Dakota and Nebraska

Foundation Repair in South Dakota and Nebraska

How do I even know I need help with my foundation in SD, NE? Foundation repair is a scary thing, and not knowing how to identify it is even scarier. As a homeowner, you want to know that your home is safe for all of those inside it, but not knowing how to keep it safe, that can be stressful. If you are worried about your home having foundation failure, we have a few ways to identify it. Some of these things may seem like small, insignificant things that you may have never noticed before. Knowing the signs of foundation … Read More

Common Foundation Problems in Nebraska

Common Foundation Problems in Nebraska

When Do You Need Foundation Repair in Nebraska? Homeowners in Nebraska are used to the seasons and the crazy weather that comes with them. Being in tornado alley, Nebraskans have come to expect powerful thunderstorms in the Spring, followed by hot, humid summers and bitterly cold winters. So it’s no surprise that homes in Nebraska can be prone to foundation failure and common foundation problems. When the soil is always shrinking and expanding because of the moisture content, cracking and sinking are bound to occur. The problem begins with poor drainage. Water from Nebraska thunderstorms often begins to pool around … Read More

Signs of a Sinking Foundation

Signs of a Sinking Foundation

Is your Wyoming, South Dakota, or Nebraska Foundation Sinking? A sinking foundation is more common than you might think, especially in Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, and the surrounding areas. Compaction issues are the number one cause of a sinking foundation. While they naturally sink over time, poor soil compaction during construction may make your foundation slip even more than usual. A sinking foundation can cause big problems in your home, and it can be very dangerous.When you notice certain problems in your home, it is best to contact a professional right away to determine if you have a sinking foundation … Read More

What Causes Bowing Walls in Wyoming?

What Causes Bowing Walls in Wyoming?

What Would Cause Basement Walls to Bow in Wyoming? Bowing walls can be a problem in any home, but the weather conditions in Wyoming make them occur a bit more often. Two factors, soil and water, actively contribute to the formation of bowing walls. When water drains too close to your home, water tends to pool around your foundation’s base and in the soil outside your basement walls. This can cause the soil to expand, pushing against your basement walls and causing them to bow in the middle, their weakest point. Poor soil compaction may also be a factor. Wyoming … Read More

We Service Parts of Nebraska for Foundation Repair and Basement Waterproofing

We Service Parts of Nebraska for Foundation Repair and Basement Waterproofing

Basement Waterproofing and Foundation Repair in Nebraska Rapid Foundation Repair provides foundation repair and basement waterproofing services to the northwest corner of Nebraska, including Chadron and Alliance. Northwestern Nebraska experiences many of the same foundation and water problems as South Dakota, such as water in basements after a snowfall, shifting or settling foundations, and bowing walls. Rapid Foundation Repair is available to assist the people of Nebraska with their foundation repair needs, whether the solution is as small as a vapor barrier installation or as big as a wall anchor installation. Whatever foundation or basement waterproofing problems you may be … Read More