Sticking Doors and Windows: Is It Your Foundation?

Sticking Doors and Windows: Is It Your Foundation?

Sticking Doors and Windows: Is It Your Foundation? The winter weather has finally set in, and many of us are enjoying the colder weather as a chance to snuggle up inside or to get out and enjoy winter sports and snow. However, when you get back home, you might notice that your doors and windows appear to be sticking. Is it from the heat in your home being higher and expanding the wood? Is it from the weather outside causing problems? Or are your sticking doors and windows really due to problems with your foundation. In this article, we’ll discuss … Read More

Winter Foundation Repair Problems

Winter Foundation Repair Problems

Winter Foundation Repair Problems South Dakota winters can be brutal. It’s one thing to have to shovel out the driveway multiple times over a 24 hour period, but it’s quite another to have foundation repair problems develop. While your home may seem fine in the fall, it could be in dire need of foundation repair by the spring. Here are a few things that you can do to prevent disastrous foundation repair costs in the future. Clean Your Gutters This is an often overlooked step that can save you lots of time and money. All you will need is a … Read More

Prepare Your Home for Winter 2018

Prepare Your Home for Winter 2018

  Prepare Your Home for Winter 2018 Fall is just beginning in some areas, but in the Northern United States we are already seeing winter conditions begin. Before it’s too late, it’s time to prepare your home for winter and get ready for storms. Whether you’re prepping the outside or inside, being prepared for bad weather is extremely important for the health of your home. Here we discuss a few tips to get your home ready. Clean Your Gutters The first tip is one of the most important when you want to keep water out of your basement or crawlspace. … Read More

Summer Rain Brings Bowing Walls

Summer Rain Brings Bowing Walls

Summer Rain Brings Bowing Walls Summer is supposed to be a season of calm and relaxation. Sitting out in the yard, sunning yourself, going on vacation, and taking a break from the stressors of life. However, mother nature has a differing opinion on the summer season. Summer can be a huge season for storming and flooding, and this can take a toll on your home in the form of bowing walls. What starts off as a small crack in the wall will grow, worsen, and eventually turn into bowing walls. What are Bowing Walls? Bowing walls are exactly as they … Read More

What To Do About Wall Repair

What To Do About Wall Repair

What To Do About Wall Repair So you’ve taken stock of your home after a serious spring cleaning, and you notice that there are cracks in the wall or that you have wall repair needs. D.I.Y. kits can only get you so far, and they will not treat the underlying issues, and over time wall cracks and other wall repair can become worse. It’s time to call Rapid Foundation Repair and get that wall repair job fixed. Why Not Do-It-Yourself? It can be really tempting to go with the less expensive option and get a D.I.Y. repair kit from the … Read More

Drought Causing Concerns Across South Dakota

Drought Causing Concerns Across South Dakota

Drought Causing Concerns Across South Dakota Should You Be Concerned About Your Foundation? There are quite a few articles you can read online about the worsening drought in South Dakota. Farmers are worried, meteorologists are worried, but should you be worried about your home? Your foundation? The answer is definitely yes. Many people aren’t aware of what a drought can do to your foundation. So here is the breakdown for you. 1. Soil shrinkage: Weather affects the soil that is the base of support for your foundation. If it rains too much, it can exert pressure on foundation walls. The … Read More

Ice is Nice, Except When it Comes to Your Foundation

Ice is Nice, Except When it Comes to Your Foundation

Snow and Ice can Harm your Foundation in South Dakota, Wyoming, & Nebraska Most people think of the common problems we see from ice and snow. You may have to shovel your driveway or clean off your car. Most people don’t think about how snow and ice might affect your home, specifically the foundation of your Nebraska, South Dakota or Wyoming home. Here is what to listen and look for. You might notice a popping or cracking show. This could mean that ice has formed in cracks in your foundation. When water freezes and thaws you might hear a popping … Read More

Prepare Your Home for Winter

Prepare Your Home for Winter

Winter is Coming – Is your Foundation Prepared? The winter months bring joy and many festivities, but it also brings cold temperatures and often snow and ice along with it. When temperatures fluctuate between below freezing and above freezing, it causes the soil to expand and contract which puts pressure on your home’s foundation. This can create cracks in your foundation and cause bowing and leaning walls. If your home does not have a good drainage system, melting snow or ice will leak through those cracks and cause water damage. If ignored, this could make your home’s foundation shift and … Read More

How Can I Protect My Nebraska Home’s Foundation?

How Can I Protect My Nebraska Home’s Foundation?

Preventing Settlement Issues in Nebraska If you have noticed foundation cracks or water leakage in your home, it is definitely a sign that you are in need of foundation repair and need to protect your home’s foundation. Many homeowners in Nebraska experience foundation issues, and it is important to know how to prevent them from getting worse. Settled foundations can costs tens of thousands of dollars to repair, so it is important to reverse the damage as soon as you can. If you are in the early stages of foundation damage, or haven’t noticed any issues yet, here are some preventative steps … Read More

Know Your Home – Learn About Your Foundation

Know Your Home – Learn About Your Foundation

Warning Signs of Foundation Failure The best way to protect your home or business from foundation failure is to know the warning signs. By keeping an eye out for these common problems you can get repairs before your foundation needs major work. These signs may seem minor, but they could mean serious problems for your home or business if you let them worsen. If you notice the following signs, make sure to contact us here at Rapid Foundation Repair. We can help you determine the best way to repair your foundation. The earlier you find problems the faster and cheaper … Read More