Should a Sump Basin Be Perforated?

Should a Sump Basin Be Perforated?

Should a Sump Basin Be Perforated? A sump basin is a bucket-like structure that fits into a pit beneath your basement floor. Excess water drains into the sump basin when a heavy storm occurs, or the groundwater level is above your basement floor. As the water rises in the basin, a sump pump will pump the water out of the basement to the exterior of your home. A sump pump system like this is a great way to keep your basement dry, especially if used with other waterproofing and drainage systems. Water getting into your basement can lead to a … Read More

Is Basement Waterproofing Worth The Investment?

Is Basement Waterproofing Worth The Investment?

Basement Waterproofing Every homeowner wants to know that their home is safe from significant damage. However, they also want to know they are not paying for unnecessary services. One of the more significant expenses that come around is basement waterproofing. Is basement waterproofing worth the investment? No matter what, we will always say yes! Your home is your most significant investment, so you should always be making decisions that help you protect it. Here are some of the benefits that make basement waterproofing worth it: Benefits of Waterproofing Increased Foundation Stability: Your foundation is what keeps your home standing. It … Read More

How to Fix A Sticking Door

How to Fix A Sticking Door

How to Fix A Sticking Door Have you had trouble opening and closing your doors? A door that is sticking can indicate any number of problems. Common causes can be humidity in your house or an issue with the door. In these cases, you should be able to fix the problem on your own pretty quickly. Here is how to fix a sticking door DIY-style: Tighten The Hinges The more you use a door, the more its hinges will work themselves loose. When that happens, the door will begin to sag and catch on the jamb or the floor. Try … Read More

Why Choose Concrete Lifting Over Replacement

Why Choose Concrete Lifting Over Replacement

Concrete Lifting: The Less Expensive, Invasive Driveway Repair Cracks in your driveway are a pain for any homeowner. When you notice these unsightly cracks, the first thing you probably think about is whether you should fix the cracks and leave the rest of the driveway as-is, or replace the entire driveway completely. So why choose concrete lifting? Lifting the cracked concrete is appealing because it won’t cost nearly as much as a replacement. But a new driveway would likely look nicer and last longer, right? What is a homeowner to do? At Rapid Foundation Repair, we are experts in concrete … Read More

Crawl Space Encapsulation Adds Value to Your Home

Crawl Space Encapsulation Adds Value to Your Home

Crawl Space Encapsulation Adds Value to Your Home A wet crawl space is a problem no homeowner wants to come across. It causes a musty smell, mold and mildew growth, pest infestations, sagging floors, and structural damage. The experts at Rapid Foundation Repair are highly trained in these situations and can easily spot warning signs of a crawl space issue. The best way to combat moisture is crawl space encapsulation, the process in which we seal and insulate the crawl space with a durable vapor barrier. This barrier, usually made of foil or plastic, can resist moisture diffusion through walls, … Read More

Polyurethane Concrete Raising vs. Mudjacking

Polyurethane Concrete Raising vs. Mudjacking

Mudjacking vs. Polyurethane Concrete Raising Most homeowners will eventually come across a cracked driveway or uneven concrete slab. These issues are not only unappealing to the eye, but they can be dangerous trip hazards. When choosing a contractor to fix your driveway, sidewalk, or patio, you must consider the repair method they will use. Mudjacking used to be the go-to method for raising concrete, but polyurethane concrete raising has become more popular due to its many advantages over mudjacking. Mudjacking Mudjacking is done by drilling holes into the concrete and injecting a mud or concrete slurry to fill the space … Read More

Garage Foundation Repair: When to Call a Professional

Garage Foundation Repair: When to Call a Professional

Garage Foundation Repair: When to Call a Professional When people think about foundation problems, most don’t think about their garage. But the garage is still a structure with a foundation that can suffer just as much as your home can. An attached garage can be an even bigger issue than a separate one because it can cause damage to the entire home. The biggest problems you will likely encounter are foundation settlement, sinking, and cracks in the concrete slab. Thankfully, Rapid Foundation Repair has the solutions you need for quality garage foundation repair.  Signs of a Garage Foundation Issue Floor … Read More

How We Fix Bowing Walls

How We Fix Bowing Walls

How We Fix Bowing Walls Imagine you walk into your basement and notice one of your walls doesn’t look quite right. There is a large horizontal crack across the wall, and it seems like it has shifted inward. You may be looking at a bowing wall. Bowing walls are caused by excess water soaking the soil around your home, usually from rain or melting snow. As the soil expands, it adds extra pressure on the foundation walls, causing them to crack. Bowing walls are hazardous due to the possibility of collapse, so you should have them looked at by a … Read More

Basement Leak Repair: Is Inside or Outside Best?

Basement Leak Repair: Is Inside or Outside Best?

Basement Leak Repair: Is Inside or Outside Best?  A common problem that homeowners in South Dakota face is a leaky basement. When the foundation settles, it can cause cracks in the walls, allowing water to seep in. Both older and newer homes are susceptible to this problem. Small cracks are usually not a big concern, but once they get bigger, they can indicate a more serious foundation issue and let even more water in. Water in your basement can cause mold growth, wood rot, and worsening foundation issues. When a homeowner needs leak repair, a question we have heard is … Read More

What is Rhino Carbon Fiber?

What is Rhino Carbon Fiber?

What is Rhino Carbon Fiber? When soil puts too much pressure on your foundation walls, the walls can crack and start to bow. Rhino Carbon Fiber is a wall support system that stabilizes bowing walls. These solid but lightweight strips link the foundation base to the house framing to protect your foundation against movement from the soil outside. How Does It Work? The carbon fiber material is the most robust system on the market. It is adhered to the wall with solid epoxy and mounted to the footing and top of the wall to ensure maximum stability. This material is … Read More