Articles from Rapid Foundation Repair

What To Do About Wall Repair

What To Do About Wall Repair

What To Do About Wall Repair So you’ve taken stock of your home after a serious spring cleaning, and you notice that there are cracks in the wall or that you have wall repair needs. D.I.Y. kits can only get you so far, and they will not treat the underlying issues, and over time wall cracks and other wall repair can become worse. It’s time to call Rapid Foundation Repair and get that wall repair job fixed. Why Not Do-It-Yourself? It can be really tempting to go with the less expensive option and get a D.I.Y. repair kit from the … Read More

You May Not Need Sump Pump Repair, Try This!

You May Not Need Sump Pump Repair, Try This!

  You May Not Need Sump Pump Repair, Try This! If you’re not sure that your sump pump is working correctly, spring is the perfect time to check that out. Sump pump repair is not always necessary every year. First, you should check your sump pump to make sure that it’s in good working condition. This is a relatively simple process that could save you time and money in the long run. First, what is a sump pump and what is it used for? A sump pump is a pump that is placed in your basement in a basin which … Read More

Combat Spring Rain with Sump Pump Installation

Combat Spring Rain with Sump Pump Installation

Combat Spring Rain with Sump Pump Installation Spring rain is here, and while it may seem harmless, it can quickly wreak havoc on your home if you’re unprepared. One of the most effective ways to protect your property is through proper waterproofing, and a critical part of that system is sump pump installation. When paired with a few other simple fixes, sump pump installation can help safeguard your home from costly water damage. Why Sump Pump Installation is Essential A sump pump is designed to remove water that accumulates in your basement or crawl space, especially during heavy rainfall. Installing … Read More

Sinking Foundation Solutions

Sinking Foundation Solutions

Sinking Foundation Solutions Now that some of the snow has melted, you may have noticed some changes with your foundation. Maybe your doors are not closing properly, maybe your floors are beginning to slope, or maybe you’ve noticed that your foundation is not exactly level. All of these are signs of a sinking foundation–something that can be exacerbated by the winter thaw and freeze. What causes a sinking foundation? The main cause of a sinking foundation is problems with soil upon construction. If your home was not built on properly compacted soil, it will begin to have problems over time. … Read More

Spring Thaw and Waterproofing

Spring Thaw and Waterproofing

Spring Thaw and Waterproofing This winter has been brutal for some with sub-zero temperatures, record snowfalls, and large amounts of rain. But, there is a bright spot on the horizon: Spring is near! There is something to be cautious of though with the approaching change in seasons. Along with the warmth of a spring thaw comes the thawing of the snow and ice. The ground is saturated and frozen, but the snow above the ground has to go somewhere when it melts. There are many things that can happen if the soil around your home gets oversaturated. It may trickle … Read More

Five Reasons To Use Carbon Fiber and One Reason Not To

Five Reasons To Use Carbon Fiber and One Reason Not To

Five Reasons to Use Carbon Fiber and One Reason Not To We announced last month that we offered Rhino Carbon Fiber as one of the many outstanding tools that we use to repair your home. Carbon fiber supports are a great resource, but don’t take our word for it. Here are five reasons to use carbon fiber for your home repairs and one instance where you may not want to implement it. Reasons to Use Carbon Fiber Wall Supports In the past, if your foundation walls were leaning or bowing, your only option was the installation of steel I-beams. The … Read More

Rhino Carbon Fiber Wall Supports

Rhino Carbon Fiber Wall Supports

Rhino Carbon Fiber Wall Supports Rapid Foundation Repair is proud to offer Rhino Carbon Fiber products as one of our many tools for foundation repair. If you have a bowed wall, this product can secure and stabilize your foundation. There is nothing stronger on the market and we want you to have a strong and secure foundation. Make Rhino Carbon Fiber Work for You The patented Rhino system secures the foundation floor and house framing. A galvanized bracket attaches the carbon fiber strip to the sill plate, and a carbon fiber pin secures the other end to the foundation floor. … Read More

Drought Causing Concerns Across South Dakota

Drought Causing Concerns Across South Dakota

Drought Causing Concerns Across South Dakota Should You Be Concerned About Your Foundation? There are quite a few articles you can read online about the worsening drought in South Dakota. Farmers are worried, meteorologists are worried, but should you be worried about your home? Your foundation? The answer is definitely yes. Many people aren’t aware of what a drought can do to your foundation. So here is the breakdown for you. 1. Soil shrinkage: Weather affects the soil that is the base of support for your foundation. If it rains too much, it can exert pressure on foundation walls. The … Read More

Can Water Break My Foundation?

Can Water Break My Foundation?

Can Water Break My Foundation? With Spring just arriving and storms, rain, and snow melt are a common occurrence, the question “can water break my foundation” is a real concern.  While standing water can cause a multitude of problems as Spring progresses, none of them can cost you more than foundation problems. When it rains, if you don’t have the proper drainage and grading around your home and foundation, water will find its way into your home. The concrete in your foundation is porous for one thing. The other thing is that a lot of water can build up around … Read More

When to Waterproof your South Dakota Home

When to Waterproof your South Dakota Home

When to Waterproof your South Dakota Home South Dakota and the other areas we serve including parts of Nebraska and Wyoming can really take a hit when it comes to the effects of weather on your home’s foundation, basement, or crawlspace. It’s hard to know when to waterproof. Rain and cold weather can effect cracks in concrete, and make it difficult to fix problems that occur during the cold and rainy seasons of the year. So how do you know when to repair your waterproofing problems? The “WHEN” to Waterproof Question isn’t Easy to Answer The answer isn’t simple! There … Read More